Sunday, 12 September 2010

Kits away & More

Kits away ...... They where all posted friday so start stalking your postie's now if you have not already got yours ..... and well now so what do we move onto now .. mmmm I think next month I have been asked again by mainly the card makers to provide the colours for the occasions such as halloween , valentines and mainly Christmas earlier than when they are to give you the chance to make the cards for the occasion and so I have taken this onboard and I have decided to do the following,

Halloween will be out as this year a month early in September
Christmas will be out in October (please let me know if you think this should be earlier or if you think a special edition christmas kit is better)
Valentine will be out in December
Easter will be out in February

any further suggestions please let me know..

Be back soon with more news ..........



Lisa said...

Hi Jayne, My kit has arrived and it's fab - thank you! The dates you have suggested for future kits sound good to me.

Lisa x

Kathi said...

Hi Jayne, I received my kit 2 days ago. :-)
It`s so nice.
Like I said before, I really would love to have a kit with subtle nature colors, like browns, creams, subtle orange, a real "FALL-kit".
I still have lots of strong and Holiday colored flowers.
But it`s just me, others may not have as many. :-)
XX Kathi